Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's Been a While...

Gosh... ya know, if I had any self-motivation, self-control, self-organization, or any of those other self-labels, I would be  much better about staying connected on this thing.  But, sadly, I've got nothing.  Especially today... I wanted to do nothing all day.  How terrible!  I scold myself for such nonsense!  God gave me today to do something spectacular with and here I am wasting it away.  Terrible.

So, I think I'll catch you, Blog-sphere, up on my latest awesomeness... my family.

Well, there's been a ton of fun stuff going on since Easter 2012, which is when I last posted on this thing:
- Our family dynamic has changed a ton with the addition of a momentary lapse of judgement-- the dog.  Chance joined the exclusive ranks of the Sweeney family back in March I think, about a month after we put Sadie Mae down.  He was found on the side of the road by neighbors and we were delusional enough to take him in.  Why do I say "delusional?"  Because the dog is c.r.a.z.y.  And so are we for taking him.  Occasionally, he has a fleeting second of likability, but don't blink because it goes by fast!  Then in a wink he's off eating something, knocking someone over, or counter surfing.  Here his is...

I know what you're gonna say... "He's so cute!" and "What a handsome boy!"  But, spend one second with him.  Just one.  I promise you'll find all kinds of new qualities to talk about!

-  Since Easter 2012, our precious baby girl turned one!  Man, time flies!  I'm wondering where it all went!  It makes me want another in the hopes I can remember all the baby stuff better, but I know that it will just go by faster than the first 2.  She's truly a joy, just like Nick.  She's 14 months now and has 2.5. teeth.  :)  She's trying to tell you all kinds of fun things about what's going on around her but her vocab is limited to bye bye, Hi Da da, Bubba, All done (ah duh), and Hi.  Super cute!  I can't get enough of her, I tell ya!  And, everyone else feels that way too... even the scary men in Walmart!  Here's our little girl at her first birthday.

Isn't she just precious?!  In that last picture, she was simply over the whole party idea.  She was tired and done.  Her sweet face screams No More Mommy.  :(  But, even in those moments, I want to squeeze her preciousness!

-My boy turned 4 last week!  4!!!  I can't believe it!  In my mind, 4 is old; I taught kids in kindergarten who where 4.  I'm sorry, but my baby will never be old enough for school!  
He's the smartest kid I know, and funny, and adorable, and witty, and huggable, and ... well, I could go on for days!  The other day I said to him, "Honey, thanks for cleaning up your mess."  And his adorable response:  "Your welcome, Mom.  And you call me Frank."  Frank!  So funny!  Where does he come up with this stuff???  

Here are some shots from his 4th birthday party which was a superhero theme.  It was tons of fun and he relished all of it.

Well, thanks for reading my catch-up info!  Hopefully I won't wait another 6 months to catch everyone up!

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