Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Coming Clean: The Journey to Newness

My oh my!  My last post was in 2013!  So much has changed since then!!! And so much is about to change in the future!

I'm starting a new chapter--- a new chapter in my blogging, a new chapter in my life--- I'm coming clean.  

How, you ask?  Well, I'm coming clean with my eating, with my home, with my organization, with all my stuff.  And, by blogging about it, I'm accountable you.  If I have to come clean, I have to do it with accountability.  I'm so bad at it on my own!  So, welcome to my purging sessions!  (Wow... sounds exciting, right?!)  But, I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is more in this ol' girl than what I have been doing!  I know there is more to me than well, ME!  I'm coming clean to find out all the goodness God has waiting on me to pull myself together!

What does coming clean entail?

Well, here are the areas in which I am focusing:
1. My eating.  I eat crap.  There.  I said it!  Most of you know that I have an enormous addition to sugar and all of it's closest relatives.  And, there used to be a time I could eat all that I wanted and wouldn't gain a pound. Well... that's changing and now I have to change in response to it.  More on that later...
2.  My house.  I LOVE design.  But, the shine of new cabinets or new vignettes sorta disappears when there's rolling balls of dog hair bigger than tumbleweeds and closets bursting at the seams.  My husband loves me no matter what, but I know he's secretly grossed out inside.  And, my mom?  Oh man, she would be sooo disappointed. (This isn't a picture of me, but you get it.)
3.  My organization.  See #2.  What kind of model am I being for my kids?!  I'm going to try with great strength to remove the time suckers from my day!

4.  My spirituality.  I am so grateful that I always know that I am made in God's image and he loves me despite.... despite it all.   I have been hearing him whisper "Come home".  I need to reopen my Bible and have Him draw me in and teach me.  There's still so much for me to learn.

5.  All the other stuff.  You know somethings going to be uncovered amongst all this Coming Clean!  And it's going to be gross and scary and uncomfortable!!! Ok, maybe I don't want to do this afterall.  ;)

Thank you for taking this journey with me!!  

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