Monday, August 15, 2011

Today is a "What Love Looks Like" Kind of Day

Wow... it seems like weeks ago I found out I was pregnant!  I was about 3.5 weeks when the stick read positive and I was sure I was in for a looooong haul.  Now, a VERY short time later, I'm getting ready to get my last shower and have my last breakfast as a mom of 1.  My brain is very full this glorious morning-- full of memories, anxiety, gratitude, to-do lists, and emotions.  It's like Hurricane Katrina in there right now.  The only thing I can liken it to is the morning of the first day of school, except on crack.

Last night we decided to enjoy the 66 degree weather and slept with our windows open.  There was this wonderfully sweet smell that wafted through all night last night and, on my million trips to the bathroom,  I couldn't quite put my finger on where I had smelt it before.  I think it was the same sweet smell that I remember when Nick was born because the only other memory I could pair it with was cracking ice packs and sitz baths.  (Sheesh, I know.)  I wonder if it's a olfactory brain thing or really a beautifully sweet smell on a beautifully sweet day.  Either way, I'll take it. :)

While there are a million things racing through my head, I can't help but cry for no good reason.  And, if you know me well, I hate crying.  I try to avoid it at all costs.  But sitting on my computer this morning, reading facebook statuses about school starting and binge drinking, I'm boo-hooing like I've lost my mind.  (Technically, I guess I have!)

All in all, today is definitely going to be a "What love looks like" kind of day.  This Sweet Girl will be surrounded by all of the love and goodness that God can provide.  And I am so, so grateful that He will be there with Josh and I showing us the best of what His love looks like.  What an amazing blessing!

Good-bye friends!  See you when I'm a mom of 2!  (AAAAAAAHHHH!)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Angela!! So happy for you and your family!
